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Solve Chrome doesn't allowed to install crx extension

The latest Chrome doesn't allowed user to install crx extension directly and request to install from Chrome web store, we can decompress the crx file to zip folder or download zip file for instead. Below Tunnel-Switch example will teach you how to pass it:

  1. Download Tunnel-Switch zip file:
  2. Decompress zip file
  3. Chrome-->more tools-->extensions-->tick 'Developer mode'-->Load unpacked extension
  4. Browse to decompress zip folder to load
  5. Pass, click option to setup

For other extensions, when you load it, it'll prompt ''manifest_version'' should be 2 problem, you can refer below manifest.jason file to add red line to try.

"name": "TunnelSwitch"
,"version": "1.0.4"
,"manifest_version": 2
,"description": "cycle through your proxy settings"
,"icons": { "128": "asset/image/tunnel_switch.png" }
,"background": {
"page" : "asset/html/background.html"
,"options_page": "asset/html/options.html"
,"permissions": [
"proxy", "tabs", "http://*/*", "https://*/*"
,"browser_action": {
"default_title": "Click to change the proxy"


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